1.- POPULATION: The total number of people living in a given area.



2.- POPULATION DISTRIBUTION: How a population is spread over an area.




3.- DEMOGRAPHER: A scientist who studies human population, including their size; growth; density; distribution; and rates of births, marriages, and deaths.


4.- POPULATION DENSITY: The people living in a particular region; especially, the total number of people in an area (square meters or square miles).


5.- BIRTHRATE: The average number of live births each year.


6.- DEATH RATE: The average number of deaths each year.



7.- LIFE EXPECTANCY: The number of years that a person is expected, on average, to live.



8.- MIGRATION: The movement of people from one place to another.



9.- IMMIGRANTS: People who leave one country and move to another.


 10. PUSH-PULL THEORY: It is a theory that says people migrate because certain things in their lives "push" them to leave. Often, the reasons are economic. Perhaps people cannot buy land or find work. Or changes in a government may force people to leave.


 11.- RURAL AREA: An area with low population density, such as a village or the countryside.

 12.- URBAN AREA: An area with a high population density, such as a city.

 13.- URBANIZATION: The movement of people to cities and the growth of cities.