



It is an activity in which the soil is cultivated so that it can produce most of the food that we consume; this characteristic is what gives it a major importance. It is practiced in almost the entire planet, what the natural conditions in which it is practiced, the technology used, and the type, the quality and the quantity of production is what makes it different.



For such reasons, in the agricultural spaces, two kinds of agriculture are practiced:

Commercial and personal consumption

The first one is done on fertile soils, that have the possibility of irrigation, which are characterized for being receptors of financial capital, and therefore, the use of machinery, fertilizers, improved seeds and all that is necessary to obtain large amount of production destined to commercialization.

It is practiced in developed countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia and some European countries.

Basic agricultural products like corn, wheat and rice, are the ones with larger productions around the world.


Tropical products like coffee, sugar cane and tobacco are consumed in the entire planet, but their production has a very central distribution. In Mexico, the tropical production is restricted to the coastal plain of the Gulf, specifically in Veracruz and other coastal regions in Guerrero and Oaxaca.





LIVESTOCK BREEDING is the activity dedicated to the domestication of animals of the same species with an economical purpose. The characteristics of livestock breeding are similar to agriculture. These two activities, frequently, share the same space which is why they are known as farming. Just as agriculture, livestock breeding is practiced almost everywhere in the planet, there is diversity in how it is practiced and in the quality of the goods.




The two types of livestock breeding are: commercial in intensive and personal consumption or extensive.

Commercial livestock breeding is highly technical, to increase the quality of the animals, technology is used to obtain a greater milk production, as well as quality meat. Its production is destined to commerce. Some countries of large livestock breeding are the United States, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Australia and Argentina.

Both Agriculture and livestock breeding for personal consumption, also called “backyard” farming, are destined to provide for consumption of the producers; the use of technology and machinery in inexistent or almost inexistent in this form of production. In countries with less economic development, the farmers of the rural regions combine agriculture and livestock breeding for personal consumption.


The most important livestock by number of heads and its exploitation in the planet is the bovine livestock; most of it is dedicated to the production of milk and meat. The principal producers are the West plains of the United states, the Northeast of Europe.. In Mexico, the states with larger production are Jalisco, Veracruz, Chiapas, Chihuahua and Sonora.





FORESTRY refers to the exploitation and use of forests to obtain harvestable wood products and non-harvestable wood products. The most exploited forests in the world are the tropical forests and the temperate and cold forests. The first are in the tropical and inter tropical zones, that are the geographical equator and its surroundings. The countries with a larger production of hardwoods are Brazil, Colombia, The Democratic Republic of Congo and Indonesia.

The temperate and cold forests are represented essentially by the coniferous pine trees and the oaks. The raw materials for the production of cellulose and diverse types of papers are obtained from these types of trees. These forests dominate the cold weather regions in North America, Europe and Asia. The countries producing and exporting paper are the ones that have vast extensions of coniferous forests; the most important ones are Canada, Norway, Sweden and Russia.


The distribution of the forest determines the forestry activity; although its distribution predominates by altitude, you will find tropical forests concentrated in mall areas of warm weather; such as the Southeast of the exploitation region of hardwoods in Mexico. The species of coniferous and pines, first are distributed in the slopes of mountains by altitude.





FISHING is the extractive capture of fish and other aquatic species, like invertebrates, crustaceans, mollusks and mammals. In spite of being a traditional activity and its production of high nutritional quality, it only provides 1% of the total food of the world population, especially due to the high monetary technological investment made in this activity.

Commercial fishing is very important worldwide. Its production is destined to exportation or to national markets. The principal fishing regions in the world are located in the Northeast of North America, Northwest of Europe and coasts of China and Japan.


In Mexico, there are two principal fishing regions. The first region comprises the North Pacific, in the littorals of the Baja California peninsula and the coasts of Sonora and Sinaloa, in the Gulf of California. The second region is the Gulf of Mexico, formed by the littorals of Veracruz and Tabasco.